
Category:Game | Action

  • Genre: Score
  • Music By: Bignic
  • Release: 2012
  • Time: 01:41:02
  • Tagline: Fight back against the forces of tyranny and liberate your fellow coworkers from the oppressive evil that dominates them, in a series of challenges deep inside the bowels of a massive evil corporation: SuperCorp. Smash ALL THE THINGS. 

1. Zombies Theme (Main Menu)
2. Modern
3. Purpose
4. Help
5. Children of Dune
6. La Luna
7. Superstar
8. Done
9. Thump
10. Book of Days
11. Cadence
12. Sufista - Inner Battles (bignic remix)
13. Plosive - Slow Slide (bignic remix)
14. Sorry
15. Sweet
16. Tetrapod
17. Epic Fail
18. Romp
19. Chairs
20. Scent
21. Scratch
22. Bladerunner
23. Scream
24. Monkies
25. Animated
26. Bleed
27. Ultimately (Boss Intro)
28. Fine (Boss Dead)
29. Moment (Dude Dead)
30. Something (Level Win)
31. Unsure (End Credits)
32. Sad Drunk Alone and Fucking Miserable (Game Paused)

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