Hans Florian Zimmer
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Hans Zimmer is a completely self-taught composer who has acquired all his music creating skills through collaboration with genuine masters of music (Stanley Myers) and his daring experiments. Today Zimmer is known as the most innovative tune creator. His scores feature the greatest passion and sense of a movie, its characters. The composer takes typical tunes, mixes characters culture and music with contemporary rhythms. The composer dare mixes classic vocal and orchestra with synthesizers and electronic sounds. The creator has scored by now over 150 movies and animated films, has received four Grammies, two Golden Globes and one Academy Award. The Daily Telegraph put his name into the list of 100 Living Geniuses.
The movie scoring career of Hans Zimmer started in London during the tight cooperation with his mentor and inspirer Stanley Myers. Both geniuses of music worked together on the scoring for My Beautiful Laundrette (1986). Later on young Hans worked solo on several successful but minor projects until 1988 when he was invited to create tunes for the Rain Man. The film won Oscar and Zimmer got his very first Academy Award. A year after Hans Zimmer created another award winning scores for the Driving Miss Daisy directed by Bruce Beresford and starring Morgan Freeman. The movie won Oscar as well.
These two Oscar winning movies opened the greatest opportunities for a young composer. In the shortest while the artist created the sounds which exploded the world and shifted the understanding of animated movies. The score for the Lion King has been sold in 15 million copies and is still considered to be one of the genuine scores of all the times. This production earned the composer the highest number of possible awards including Golden Globe, Academy Award and Grammy. Among the most famous works and sounds by Hans Zimmer there are The Last Samurai, the Gladiator, the Mission: Impossible II, Pearl Harbor, The Ring.
It was Hans Zimmer who scored for the last year epic sci-fi movie Interstellar. He was put an impossible task to create a genuinely unique tunes and chords interpreting the concepts of technology, science and space. Zimmer admitted that all the textures and music created by now have grown too typical and predictable. To score for Interstellar Zimmer did not get a plot or script or any details on the movie. Instead the composer got a one page sketch of what was then going to become a scenario for the greatest science fiction movie ever.