The Gentlemen
- Genre: Soundtrack / Score
- Music By: Various Artists, Chris Benstead
- Release: 2019
- Time: 00:27:07 + 00:44:48
1. Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love
2. The Jam - That's Entertainment
3. Roxy Music - In Every Dream Home A Heartache
4. Can - Vitamin C
5. El Michels Affair - Shimmy Shimmy Ya
6. David Rawlings - Cumberland Gap
7. Paul Jones - Free Me
8. Tony K - No Offense
Chris Benstead:
1. Play a Game With Me
2. A Proper Handsome C**t
3. Gala Dinner
4. Big Dave
5. The Unique Method
6. White Widow Super Cheese
7. Young and Foolish Dragon
8. The Toddlers
9. Grub in the Tub
10. Drug Den
11. Lord George
12. Is That a Gun?
13. Reduce Market Value
14. Wanking Into a Hankie
15. I Was on to You
16. The Russians
17. Pound of Flesh
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