Invaders from Mars
- Genre: Score
- Music By: Christopher Young and David Storrs
- Release: CD 2008, FILM 1986
- Time: 02:14:16
- Tagline: There's no place on Earth to hide.
Orchestral Score by Christopher Young
1. Original Intro & Main Title
2. Stargazing
3. Forces Gear Up
4. Marines Enter Tunnel
5. End Credits
6. Ship Landing
7. Mrs. McKeltch
8. David And Linda In School
9. Parents Arrive At Base
10. Aftermath
11. Dead Martians
12. Save Linda
David Storrs
1. Invaders From Mars
2. Explosive Truck
3. Ship Lands
4. David And Ed Show Up
5. Mom And Dad Act Funny
6. Mrs. McKeltch's Neck
7. Van Ride Into Tunnels
8. Marine Base
9. First Contact
10. Supreme Intelligence
11. Invaders: Musique Concrete (Five Movements From Invaders From Mars)
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